Chivas18 建築設計年獎2014 Chivas 18 Architecture and Design Award 2014

為表揚建築業專才矢志貢獻業界的決心及創意,著名蘇格蘭威士忌品牌Chivas18首次舉辦第一屆「Chivas18 建築設計年獎2014」,以頌揚經典建築的獨特創意,體現藝術和科學的完美結合。為隆重其事,大會日前假中環舉行揭幕酒會,並公佈比賽的國際級評審團,吸引不少建築界的名人出席。 



揭幕禮上,先由保樂力加香港董事總經理貝肇祺先生致歡迎辭:「Chivas18和偉大建築的創作過程與可謂異曲同工,兩者均是揉合經驗、技術和風格的創舉。而每一滴皆蘊含多重風味的Chivas18,就正正是「融會的藝術」的例證,只有最卓越的建築奇蹟才能媲美。現今香港與大中華區發展皆欣欣向榮,多個令人讚嘆的建築項目成為時代和創意的佐證,展視出背後一群專業設計師的獨到見識。然而,建築師對卓越不歇的追求,以及競爭激烈的環境,為他們構成無比挑戰。有見及此,作為社會企業一份子的Chivas18便決定出一分力,舉辦「Chivas18 建築設計年獎2014」,以讚揚城中傑出建築師們的貢獻,並藉此提高公眾對建築業的關注。」


是次比賽以「融會的藝術」為題,參賽作品需把自然元素融入建築設計、材質及整體建造過程中。評審委員將從設計和策劃方面全面檢視各個參賽的建築項目,並於各個組別中選出表現最佳的項目。得獎者將獲贈二人Strathisla Distillery威士忌品鑑之旅,親身體驗蘇格蘭二百多年歷史的古老威士忌釀酒工藝。


為這次活動擔任評審團的均是來自香港多間著名建築事務所的顯赫建築師,包括:Aedas環球董事長Keith Griffiths、Benoy Architects董事David Buffonge、P&T集團董事Remo Riva、呂元祥建築事務所副主席呂慶耀先生及Woods Bagot董事Stephen Jones,五位專業評審當晚獲邀出席並於台上進行祝酒儀式,見證這項建築界盛事的誕生。


如欲索取更多「Chivas18 建築設計年獎2014」的資料和比賽細則,請流覽以下網址:


To compliment the professionals of the architecture industry for their dedication and ingenuity, Chivas18 is organising the inaugural Chivas18 Architecture and Design Awards, commemorating the unique ingenuity of blending art and science to produce architectural masterpieces. To mark the occasion, the organisers held an inauguration party in which members of the world-class jury were announced to the attending cream of the crop in the architecture fraternity.


The party was opened with a welcome speech by Mr Xavier Beysecker, Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Hong Kong. “Architectural masterpieces are crafted in a way similar to the making of Chivas18. They show a remarkable blending of experience, skills, creativity and style. Offering layers of notes with every single drop, Chivas18 presents a vivid example of ‘The Art of Blending’ to deliver as close to a celestial experience as only the most celebrated architectural wonders can,” said Beysecker. “The economic dynamism of Greater China and Hong Kong has given rise to numerous fascinating architectural projects. Landmarks and architectural masterpieces have been created and these have become testaments of time and ingenuity brought about by a special breed of professional designers. Yet the pursuit for excellence and the competitive environment could also be a source of challenge to an aspiring architect. By organising the Awards, Chivas18 honours its role as a corporate citizen and takes the opportunity to recognise the efforts of some of the territory’s most outstanding architect teams, as well as enhance public awareness of the architecture industry.”



This year’s Awards centre on the theme “The Art of Blending”. Contestant projects are required to blend natural elements into architecture in terms of design elements, building materials and the overall building process. Jury members will take a holistic approach to judging submitted projects in different categories and see how well the projects’ design and planning can demonstrate the Awards theme. The best project selected from among all category winners will win a 2-person connoisseur whisky tour at the Strathisla Distillery to experience first-hand the two-century craft of whisky making.


Five prominent architects from renowned firms in Hong Kong are confirmed to be the panel judges for the Awards. They are Keith Griffiths, Aedas Global Board Chairman; David Buffonge, Benoy Architects Director; Remo Riva, P&T Group Director; Bryant Lu, Ronald Lu & Partners Vice Chairman; and Stephen Jones, Woods Bagot Director. They joined the toasting ceremony at the inauguration party to celebrate the birth of the prominent event in the architecture industry.


For detailed information and terms & conditions of Chivas18 Architecture and Design Awards 2014, please visit:

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